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Anzer Plateau

Anzer Plateau is a plateau located in İkizdere district of Rize province in Turkey. Anzer Plateau, located in the Eastern Black Sea region, is famous for its natural beauties, rich vegetation and especially Anzer honey.

Anzer Plateau has a cool and spacious atmosphere with its altitudes rising to approximately 2200 meters. The plateau is surrounded by pine forests, highland flowers and mountain waters. These features make it attractive for tourists and nature lovers visiting the area.

Anzer Plateau is also famous for its endemic plant species. The special vegetation that grows in the plateau is an important factor affecting the quality of Anzer honey. This vegetation contributes to the unique aroma and flavor of Anzer honey.

Visits to Anzer Plateau allow for activities such as nature walks, photography, camping and enjoying the highland life. In addition, various plateau houses on the plateau offer accommodation.

Anzer Plateau is known as one of the natural and touristic beauties of Turkey and is especially known for its Anzer honey.

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